

Spent mushroom compost is the soil-like material remaining after growing a crop of mushrooms. The compost is high in organic matter, making it desirable for soil amendment or conditioner use.

Compost, which is prepared specifically for growing mushrooms, is a blend of natural products. Common ingredients are wheat straw, alfalfa straw, poultry manure, cottonseed meal, alfalfa seed screenings, cottonseed hulls, and gypsum.  Later in the process, grain and protein are added, and before harvesting, the 8-inch layer of compost is covered with a 2-inch layer of peat moss and lime.

During the composting process, water is added, and temperatures will often rise to about 170 degrees.  After the compost is made, it is pasteurized at 140 degrees, and later, after all mushrooms have been harvested, the compost is sterilized at 160 degrees for several hours.  Spent mushroom compost will be free of weed seeds and insects.

El abono de hongos gastados variará dependiendo de cuánto tiempo se haya almacenado en nuestro terreno. También es importante el tipo de suelo al que lo apliquemos.

There are many uses for mushroom compost. Spent mushroom compost is excellent to spread on top of newly seeded lawns. Since some plants and garden vegetables are sensitive to high salt content in soils, avoid using fresh compost around those plants. You may use spent compost weathered for 6 months or longer in all gardens and with most plants. Obtaining mushroom compost in the fall and winter, allowing it to weather will make it ready to use in a garden the following spring. Spring and summer are the best time to use weathered material as a mulch.

As a soil amendment, spent compost adds organic matter and structure to the soil. Mushroom compost improves soil structure and its ability to hold water. It also provides a few nutrients.

For more information, call us at (435) 767-0050, opción 3.

Camión de recogidaN/A$80
Tráiler de basureroN/A$120
10 Camión volquete de ruedas$250$350
10 Rueda con cachorro$350$450
18 Ruedas$550$750
18 Rueda con cachorro$625$850
Mientras duren las reservas

Sold As Is – No guarantees or warranty implied.

Como no tenemos básculas para camiones, no podemos garantizar el tonelaje. Haremos todo lo posible para cargar lo más lleno posible.

El abono volteado generalmente tiene menos humedad, por lo que se obtiene un abono más concentrado.

This is loaded at our facility.  You must present yourself to our front office for payment and a receipt Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm, except for holidays.

Spreadable Pellets

Beginning January 2024, we are rolling out Spreadable Compost Pellets. We will be selling the pellets in 25-pound and 50-pound bags. The pellets are made so that you can enjoy the benefits of mushroom compost on your lawn, garden, flowers, and trees using a common fertilizer spreader.

The benefits of using our compost include:

  • Humates, including humic and fulvic acid
  • Macro and micronutrients that benefit soil health
  • Water retention from the peat moss found in the spent compost

Click here for a recent lab analysis of the pellets. The NPK for this sample was 2-1.7-2.1.
